Galloway Action Team (GAT) was granted charitable status by OSCR in October 2019 and was set up with the purpose of:
- Encouraging active citizenship by linking volunteers with community projects in need of support
- Advancing community development by engaging with individuals and groups in the community to identify their needs and increase social inclusion
- Supporting those in need, in particular, vulnerable people suffering from mental or physical disability, illness, impairment or old age
- Supporting people experiencing unemployment by providing support and training to improve work/life skills and increase employability
Since Galloway Action Team began, our trustees, staff and volunteers have already made a positive difference to the people and communities of Galloway.
Our key strengths include:
- Our dedicated and skilled team (especially our volunteers, but also including our staff and board members) who work tirelessley to make things better for the people and communities of Galloway
- Our reputation within the local community, who offer us their encouragement, trust and support
- Our work and the way in which we deliver it, not least our intergenerational work, our ability to quickly respond the the needs of local people, and the way in which we engage, educate and build the skills of our volunteers, supporting them to become an integral part of the local community.